Gießen, den 5.12.2019 Gemeinsam mit Claude-Helene Mayer und Elmar Nass erschien in der Zeitschrift „Journal of Religion and Health“ ein Beitrag zur Enzyklika Laudato Si bzw. dem Buch von Wolfgang George (Hg) Wissenschaftler antworten auf die Laudato Si von Papst Franziskus
Abstract: This article aims to build awareness of the growing global crisis in social, economic and environmental terms from different disciplinary approaches. The authors respond to the message of Pope Francis presented in his Encyclical Letter published in 2015. The article provides a short current overview of the discourse and presents three hypotheses anchored in the disciplines of Psychology, Health and Theology for a deeper discussion of Pope Francis’s viewpoints on the challenges to humankind and how to address them. It thereby contributes to the discourse on health and religion with regard to the Pope’s message to the world community. The article leads to an interdisciplinary conclusion and directions for future research and practice.